April 6, 2015
Choose Life
As we approach the Spring season, a time of new beginnings, new life and growth, I can't help but be thankful for the opportunity to Choose Life and nurture the small being growing inside of me. This little guy growing daily, weekly and monthly into the little person designed him to be. So blessed and thankful for the privilege to carry life in my womb.
In honor of this special life forming in me and the March for Life on the National Mall this past January, I had the privilege to partner with iRapture.com and create some images to support the ProLife Ribbon page and remind others to Choose Life.
Hope you can enjoy these special images, some were captured by yours truly and others were personal family moments, personal ultrasound, and the growth of a little miracle. Even the smallest person can change the future! #ChooseLife
Be Blessed,
Amanda Lott
Owner, Lotts of Designs, LLC.